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Trans-Mississippi Musings

More Brush Clearing on Historic Byram's Ford Road

Posted by The Muse (themuse) on Nov 29 2014
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In Kansas City on the Big Blue Battlefield Park, we are continuing our work to clear brush from the Historic Byram's Ford Road. The Historic Byram's Forad Road crossed present day Hardesty Avenue about 0.25 miles north of 63rd Street. This weekend, theCivilWarMuse spent about four hours and was able to clear brush from about 250 feet of the old road bed. Here are some photos theMuse took while out there. The first two photos are a before and after image taken from approximately the same spot.

Before Image

Historic Byram's Ford Road east of Hardesty

After Image

At this point on the road, the two limestone outcroppings are only about 10 feet apart. I guess the wagons barely fit through this opening coing down the hill.

Historic Byram's Ford Road east of Hardesty

More images of the Historic Byram's Ford Road on the east side of Hardesty Avenue.

Historic Byram's Ford Road east of Hardesty

Historic Byram's Ford Road east of Hardesty

Historic Byram's Ford Road east of Hardesty

Historic Byram's Ford Road east of Hardesty

Last changed: Nov 29 2014 at 4:28 PM